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  • 有了这些配件才能算完整的叉车
  • 本站编辑:杭州大展叉车有限公司发布日期:2018-03-13 15:02 浏览次数:



  电气系统包括了蓄电池组,电动机,调速转拨器,开关,信号灯,报警灯和喇叭等,蓄电池组是叉车的动力源,负责供给叉车用点设备的直流电源;传动系统由带有差速装置的减速器和驱动桥组成,减速器的作用是改变来自行走电机的转速,扭矩,并且传递给驱动桥,使叉车获得所需要的牵引力和行驶速度;转向系统:包括方向盘,转向柱,万向节,全液压转向器,转向油泵,横置油缸(转向油缸)和转向桥等部分,当拨动转向开关时,转向电机就带动 转向油泵开始工作,通过转动方向盘,由转向柱和万向节带动全液压转向器来控制由转向油泵发出的压力油的方向推动横置油缸(转向油缸)活塞杆移动,改变车轮的偏转角度,从而实现转向。



Seeing the forklift coming in and out, in a moment, the small hill goods were transferred to the lorry, so that they could not help but cheer for Ta Na's strong transport capacity. As an industrial transport vehicle, forklift can efficiently complete the transfer of goods because of the role of various forklift accessories that constitute it.

We can divide forklifts into three parts: electrical, transmission and steering systems. The three systems are made up of different forklift accessories, and then complete their respective functions.

The electrical system includes the battery pack, the motor, the speed regulating switch, the switch, the signal lamp, the alarm lamp and the horn and so on. The battery group is the power source of the forklift, which is responsible for the direct current power supply for the forklift equipment; the transmission system is composed of a retarder and a drive bridge with a differential device. The function of the reducer is to change from walking. The motor speed, torque, and transmission to the drive bridge to make the fork lift the required traction and speed; the steering system includes the steering wheel, the steering column, the universal joint, the full hydraulic steering, the steering oil pump, the horizontal oil cylinder (steering cylinder) and the steering bridge. When the steering switch is moved, the steering motor drives the motor to drive the drive. The steering oil pump starts to work. By turning the steering wheel, the steering column and the universal joint drive the full hydraulic steering gear to control the pressure oil from the steering oil pump to move the piston rod of the horizontal cylinder (steering cylinder), change the wheel deflection angle, and thus realize the steering.

These forklift accessories make up a powerful forklift. In their cooperation, they can complete the work of cargo handling, save a lot of time for us, and make the work efficiency a qualitative change.